We are Dansk Krolf Union (DKU) - The Danish Krolf Association.
The inventer - Frits Henriksen - was co-founder and member of DKU, and DKU is now the main association for Krolf in Denmark.
Two people are working on the English pages.
Peter Lyngdal Christensen, chairman of DKU and the instigator of krolf's current popularity.
Søren Lyngdal Henriksen Christensen, the son of Peter.
Peter has been playing Krolf since 1980, has arranged tournaments since the first World Championship at home in his garden in 1989, and has been chairman of DKU since it's creation in 2004.
Søren has been participating in krolf championships since 1995 - 5 years old. He's now chairman in his own club and working as a volunteer for DKU.